Friday, March 15, 2013

Communication and Mutual Problem Solving

This week, while talking about communication, Brother Williams challenged us to be very careful with all of our communications with friends, roommates, and family.  It wasn't until this challenge, that I realized that I could really benefit from trying to be better at communicating with those around me. I know that one of my roommates and I regularly have tiffs, partly because I am sure that she may be bipolar and partly because I am sure that I do not communicate as well as I could. There are times that she wont let me communicate with her and will shut me out, but the times that I have the opportunity to talk with her, I need to be very careful with the words, tone, and body language I use-especially because she takes everything that is said to such a dramatic extent.
Just because someone is hard to get along with doesn't mean that they are the only ones that we should be careful about how we communicate. We can mis-communicate with anyone on any topic. With the technologies that we have now-a-days can also greatly affect the way we communicate. All the emailing, Facebooking, and texting has impaired our ability to have successful face to face communication. I know so many people who can only talk to someone if they are doing it behind a screen, I was once one of them. How do we fix this? Put the phones and computers and actually talk to our friends and family!

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