Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

I've always learned that men and women cannot be just friends, but up until this weeks discussions and assignments I didn't realize how true this is and how it could cause some major issues inside of a marriage. As part of this weeks assignments, we were required to watch a PowerPoint about affair prevention and it got me thinking. I have always had best friends that were guys, we are always together and it was never something that I gave much thought. But when I get married, I've come to realize that I will most likely have to put these friendships on hold-indefinitely. This isn't to say that I can't have acquaintances that are men, but they can't be my "best friend". I can't spend a ton of time with them, I can't spend alone time with them. My husband needs to be my best friend, not someone else. I think that this is the best way to prevent an affair in marriage. People typically have affairs with friends or co-workers who they have become close to. If we simply don't have these extremely close relationships with people of the opposite gender, we won't risk having the temptation to have an affair. It's as simple as that.

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