Friday, March 29, 2013


This week just so happens to be the week when the Supreme Court is trying to make a decision on redefining marriage to now include same-sex couples. Now before I talk about what we discussed in lecture this week, I have to mention a little back story. Last year around this time, I was talking to my roommate Allison about this exact topic and I told her how I, personally, have no problem with allowing same-sex couples to marry. I thought that it honestly does not effect me in any way, shape, or form so why should I care if gay couples are able to get married? I will get the opportunity to marry my best friend someday, why shouldn't they? I honestly did not see any reason as to why someone would be opposed to same-sex couples getting married and thought that those who did, were just homophobic. It wasn't until this very class, where I began to learn the real importance of the family and having a mother and a father for each child.

The reason I mention this during the week of "Parenting" is because of the importance and responsibility each person has to be the best parent they can be and to raise their children to be the same. There are things that a mother contributes that a father cannot-and vice-versa! Watching this video from an 11 year old girl's view point really helped me see this even more.

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